Enemas for Kids FAQs

A constipated child is always a concern for a parent. Parents always look for ways to help relieve the symptoms of constipation and get their child back on a regular bowel regimen.
Many enema products are available to relieve child constipation, so it can be confusing to know what is safe and effective for children. While there may be many approaches to providing constipation relief for a child, not all are recommended for children. It is important to understand the differences between the various methods.
Many parents and pediatricians prefer a constipation solution specificalyy designed for kids. For example, a mini-enema, designed and intended for a child, is safe, fast-acting, and has no harmful or irritating side effects, like afterburn or intestinal distress.
Enemas for Kids FAQs – Specific Questions
We have sourced the answers to these questions from many expert sources. Please continue your research with your pediatrician if you have additional questions or need more information.
What is constipation?
A division of the National Institutes of Health defines a condition of constipation when someone has a bowel movement fewer than three times a week.
Stools are usually hard, dry, small, and difficult to eliminate. People with constipation usually either have very large hard stools or hard pellet-like stools. Bowel movements are infrequent and often painful.
What causes constipation?
Constipation can be the result of many things. Common causes include not getting enough fiber, not enough fluids, or insufficient exercise.
Constipation can also result from a medical condition. If constipation persists for a long time or is constantly recurring, seek medical advice.
Are enemas safe for constipated children?
Enemas are safe for children if:
1) You limit an enema to one per day and once daily and
2) Your child does not have kidney disease, other chronic diseases, or congenital abnormalities.
Use an enema to relieve occasional constipation. When treating constipation, use milder products whenever possible.
Enema products are for rectal use only. Products will have instructions and follow all directions on the product package. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
What is an enema?
An enema is a delivery method that introduces a volume of liquid into the rectum. Enemas can act as a laxative and can be used to relieve constipation. Enemas can be used before a medical procedure when prescribed by your doctor.
Administer rectally, never orally.
How long should the enema liquid be held in the rectum before using the bathroom?
Hold the enema solution until the urge to evacuate is strong. If no urge is felt after 5 minutes, an effort should be made to empty the bowel.
How do I administer an enema to my child?
How long does it take for an enema to work on a child?
An enema may result in a bowel movement after 1 to 5 minutes.
After applying the enema, have your child drink plenty of water. Doing so will help prevent side effects such as kidney problems or dehydration. Talk with your doctor about the types of liquids you can drink before you use an enema to help your child with a bowel movement.
How does an enema work?
Cleansing Enemas
As the term suggests, a cleansing enema cleans out the bowels. Some solutions act as stimulants and irritate the colon, leading to a bowel movement. Other solutions pull water into the stool, which softens the stool and causes your rectum to swell and bloat. The body responds by contracting muscles in the rectum and causing a bowel movement.
These types of solutions include:
- Saline water
- Phosphate solution
- Glycerin
- Castile soap
- Sodium citrate
- Docusate sodium
Retention Enema
These types of enemas are when you insert a fluid or medication into the rectum and keep it in for an extended period, usually overnight. They can help treat colon problems or clean out the bowels by softening and bulking up the stool.
Retention enema solutions include:
- Medications such as prednisolone
- Mineral oil
Suppose your child has a bowel disease that causes symptoms of urgency. In that case, they might only hold a retention enema for a short time.
When should I see a doctor after a pediatric enema?
Your child should pass stool within an hour of receiving the enema liquid. If your child does not, then talk to your doctor. Complications can happen, especially after using a phosphate solution.
If your child has any of the following symptoms, see a doctor right away:
- Severe dizziness or passing out
- Throwing up
- Severe diarrhea
- Extreme tiredness or weakness
- Severe stomach pain
- Blood in the stool
How long does it take for an enema to work on a child?
An enema may result in a bowel movement after 1 to 5 minutes.
After applying the enema, have your child drink plenty of water. Doing so will help prevent side effects such as kidney problems or dehydration. Talk with your doctor about the types of liquids you can drink before you use an enema to help your child with a bowel movement.
What is the anatomy of the colon?

How long is the colon in a child?
The length of the large bowel increased from a mean of 52cm in children aged <2 years to 73cm at 4-6 years and 95cm at 9-11 years.
In all age groups, the transverse colon was the longest segment, contributing approximately 30% of the total length of the large bowel.
Is it OK to give a child an enema?
The experts at the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care may recommend daily enemas for your child at home for a short amount of time to clear impacted stool from the bowel or for the daily treatment of fecal incontinence.
How long does it take to digest food and poop it out?
After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion, absorption of water, and, finally, elimination of undigested food.
It takes about 36 hours for food to move through the entire digestive system.
For constipation, why choose enemas versus suppositories?
Rectal laxatives provide immediate relief and are an excellent alternative for someone who cannot take oral medication. Some enemas can work in 5 minutes or less, while suppositories often work within an hour.
What is fecal impaction?
A fecal impaction is a large, hard mass of stool that gets stuck so badly in your colon or rectum that you can’t push it out.
Fecal impaction can sometimes develop if you’re constipated. This means you have the urge to make a bowel movement but can’t follow through. If this condition continues, you need to seek treatment.
How do you get rid of fecal impaction in your colon?
The most common treatment for fecal impaction is an enema, a special fluid that is inserted into the rectum to soften your stool.
An enema often makes you have bowel movements, so you may be able to push out the mass of stool on your own once it’s been softened by the enema.
How do you remove impacted stool from a child?
The best way to start off treatment of a constipated child is to evacuate the old stool from the rectum and colon.
This can be achieved by giving rectal enemas followed by oral intake of high doses of osmotic (water retaining) and stimulant laxatives.
What should come out after enema?
An enema is a device that people use to clear the lower half of the large bowel. It contains fluid that goes into the colon and expels feces, after a short period of retention.
There are different purposes for enemas, ranging from preparation for a medical examination to regular detoxification.
How often can you give an enema to a child?
Enemas are safe for children as long as
1) You limit them to once daily.
2) Your child does not have kidney disease or certain other chronic diseases or congenital abnormalities.
Is a suppository the same as enema?
A suppository is a bullet or cone-shaped, firm medication and an enema is usually a small bottle of liquid medication.
Both are given rectally to help someone have a bowel movement.
You’ll also need a disposable absorbent pad, some water-based jelly lubricant, and some disposable gloves for you to wear.
Is oatmeal good for colon health?
Oatmeal is good for your entire digestive system, including your colon, because it is high in fiber. Oatmeal can be especially helpful if you have ulcerative colitis, which affects the colon directly, or Crohn’s disease, which may attack any part of your lower digestive tract.
Will an enema break up hard stool?
A warm mineral oil enema is often used to soften and lubricate the stool. However, enemas alone are not enough to remove a large, hardened impaction in most cases. The mass may have to be broken up by hand.

Constipation Relieving Tips & Products
DocuSol® Kids
The active ingredient found in Docusol® Kid’s mini-enemas is docusate sodium. The Docusol® Kid’s formulation functions as a stool softening hyper-osmotic laxative by drawing water from surrounding body tissues into the bowel.
The docusate sodium is a softener by preparing the stool to readily mix with watery fluids. The increased mass of stool promotes a bowel evacuation by stimulating nerve endings in the bowel lining and initiating peristalsis. Not only does it soften and loosen the stool, but it initiates a normal replicated stimulus.
Water keeps the body hydrated, which also makes passing stools easier. Getting enough water helps prevent constipation and promotes regularity.
Oatmeal is an excellent food for children. Oatmeal is nutritious, filling, and easy. Oatmeal is the perfect breakfast for a toddler and older children too.
Oats are high in soluble fiber- a type of fiber that keeps you fuller longer, naturally decrease your cholesterol levels, and stabilizes your blood sugar levels.
Oatmeal offers energy to start the day, and staying power, keeping you fuller longer. Oatmeal is a good source of thiamine, iron, and certain anti-oxidants.
Here is an oatmeal recipe that is sure to please. Berry Delicious Oatmeal
MiraLAX is a suitable medication for acute and chronic constipation when used correctly in children over 1-year-old. MiraLAX helps to bring fluid back to the stool, so it doesn’t get too hard and is easier to pass. MiraLax comes in a powder with no color or taste, which is great for young patients. It can be picked up over-the-counter, but always see your child’s primary care provider before starting it.
There is a misconception that MiraLAX is unsafe. Talk with your pediatrician to ensure proper dosing and a safe regimen is started.
Fiber Advance Gummies For Kids
Fiber Advance Gummies For Kids Daily Fiber Supplement, 60 Count
Product Details
- Age Range: Child
- Unit Count: 60 Count
- Item Weight: 0.55 Pounds
- Each serving of 2 gummies has 3g of Fiber
- All natural ingredients and no added sugar
An excellent way to ensure your little one is getting enough fiber, and kids love the yummy taste.
Regular Toilet Time
Encourage your child to use the toilet first thing in the morning and after every meal or snack.
Also, particularly for a younger child, you may achieve better results at establishing regular toilet time by telling, not asking.
Consider this: Instead of suggesting, “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” simply say, “It is time time to go to the bathroom now.”
A Combination of These Ideas
You may get the best results if you combine multiple approaches. For example, a high-fiber diet, with plenty of water, and setting a regular toilet time may be just what your child needs to keep constipation in check.