Enemas 4 Kids Blog

Our blog is based on articles published on the topic of constipation and its causes. The articles are intended to be a source of information to help you with issues related to constipation and bowel movement control in children. The products we may display in this blog are intended to be for educational purposes. We make no claim as to the effectiveness of a particular product for your situation. We feel that each situation has its own unique circumstances and having a better understanding of details and options will provide a benefit to you.
The blog posts are curated from other sources and we reference the original source in each case.
Constipation Guide for Children
This 28-page Booklet, published by the St Louis Children's Hospital, and that you can download here, is designed to help you deal with childhood constipation by answering several questions and outlining management instructions for you to follow. Read the Post
Constipation In Children
Constipation in children is a common issue that can be caused by various factors. One of the main causes of constipation is not drinking enough water. Read the Post
Constipation and Urinary Tract Infections in Kids
Constipation is a common contributor to urinary problems. Because the bladder and bowel are controlled by the same nerves and are next to each other in the body, there is a corollary relationship between bladder and bowel health. Read the Post
Healthy Eating for Children
Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods so that your child gets the nutrients (such as protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, and minerals) he or she needs for normal growth. If your child regularly eats a wide variety of basic foods, he or she will be well-nourished. Read the Post
Advice for Toddler Snacking
Toddlers are notorious nibblers. Their small bellies mean they can't eat a lot at one time, and their go-go-go nature means they don't want to sit at the table too long. Healthy snacking can help add needed nourishment into a toddler's day. Read the Post
Are You Concerned about Your Child’s Constipation?
When a child is learning to go to the bathroom properly, there are bound to be some issues and instances of discomfort. Constipation is something that happens to everyone and often can be resolved easily, but it should not be ignored. Read the Post
Hirschsprung Disease
What is Hirschsprung disease? Hirschsprung disease symptoms vary dramatically from person to person. There are several “classic” symptoms that may suggest a diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease. Read the Post
Potty Training Your Child
Each child is ready to potty train at different ages and stages, so it’s important to understand the signs of when your child is ready to potty train and employ methods that work best for your child. Read the Post
Healthy Bowel Movements In Kids
Keeping fit is a vital part of a healthy bowel routine, but it can be difficult to come up with new and creative ways to get kids to exercise. Some creative ideas about using music to support healthy bowel movements. Read the Post
Stool Withholding in Children
If your child won’t poop when they are outside of their comfort zone, even when it’s someplace they spend a lot of time, like at camp, daycare, or school, the cause may be pooping anxiety. Read the Post
Enemas for Kids – What You Need To Know
When a child is constipated, especially if they experience frequent constipation, parents want to help relieve their symptoms. Here are some options. Read the Post
Constipation Quiz
Take this multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge of constipation in children. Some questions may have more than one correct answer.
At the end of the quiz, you will get all the answers and some explanations too! Additional materials will also be linked to for further reading.
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How to Help Your Child Overcome Worry
Does your child display signs of worry and anxiety? Be watchful and look for signs that your child is not themself. Read the Post
Five Ways to Help Kids Deal with Stressful Situations
Here are five helpful actions to alleviate stress in children to promote healthy responses to stressful situations. Read the Post
Easing Your Child’s Constipation
If your child is struggling with constipation, you can take some steps to bring relief to your child. Hydation, diet, exercise, and perhaps even a warm beverage can help. Read the Post
Toddler Constipation
It can be hard to watch your toddler deal with constipation. But thankfully, constipation is usually temporary. With some changes to their diet and routine, your toddler should be passing poops smoothly in no time. Read the Post
Constipation Guide for Children
Researchers show that the number of constipated children seen by primary care doctors has continues to increase. Caring for children with constipation is also expensive. A comprehense guide by ENEMEEZ. Read the Post
How to Give a Child an Enema at Home
The experts at the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care may recommend daily enemas for your child at home for a short amount of time to clear impacted stool from the bowel or for the daily treatment of fecal incontinence. Read the Post
Enema Administration for Children
Enemas are sometimes a necessary daily treatment for children with constipation. You will want to be knowledgable about enemas and how to administer an enema to your child. Read the Post
Understanding Constipation in Children with Down Syndrome
Beginning in the newborn period, people with Down syndrome are more likely to develop medical conditions that interfere with digestion. Children with Down syndrome face unique challenges. Read the Post
Signs that Your Child is Constipated
When your child isn’t feeling well and you can’t figure out exactly why, consider constipation as a possible cause. It may not be the first thing parents think of, but constipation causes a myriad of symptoms that affect a child’s physical and mental health. Read the Post
Foods to Improve Constipation
One factor holds true if you are a parent of a child with constipation. You want to provide relief as quickly as possible. Read the Post
How is an Enema Administered?
The post at Cincinati Childrens.org has some excellent information about the details associated with adminsitering an enema. Read the Post
13 Practical Ideas for Easing a Child’s Fear of Enemas
The best advice can come from experienced parents: Don’t run the show. Instead, work with your child to find a solution to their fear about enemas. Read the Post
Enemas for Babies and Kids
If a stool hardens completely, then passing it out would be quite difficult. These are situations when an enema for a child might become a necessity. Read the Post