Why Use Enemas for Children
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Enemas for Children
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Enemas are an important tool for children’s health and hygiene. They are a safe, simple, and effective way to flush out the lower bowel and help to remove digestive waste from the body. Enemas for children can provide relief from constipation and help provide comfort when dealing with abdominal discomfort caused by constipation.
By administering an enema to a child, you are taking an active role in their overall health and wellbeing. This article will explore why enemas benefit children and how they can be safely administered.
What Is An Enema?
An enema is a solution used to flush out the lower bowels.
Enemas are often administered with a bag and a nozzle, but they can also be performed using a syringe. Enemas can be used to clean the colon and remove toxins, they can also be used to treat constipation and other bowel issues.
Enemas are also known as colonic or colonic irrigation. An enema is used to cleanse the colon and rectum by introducing liquid into these areas.
How Can Constipation In A Child Be Prevented?
Because each child’s bowel patterns are different, become familiar with your child’s normal bowel patterns. Please note the usual size and consistency of your child’s stools. This will help you, and your child’s doctor determine when constipation occurs and how best to treat your child’s constipation.
If your child doesn’t have normal bowel movements every few days or is uncomfortable when stools are passed, your child may need help in developing proper bowel habits.
Benefits of Enemas for Children
- It helps to relieve constipation and improve bowel regularity. Enemas are beneficial for infants and young children who may be too young for other types of fiber supplements.
- Promotes healthy immune function. Colon health is essential for overall health. By cleansing the bowels, enemas can help to remove toxins from the body.
- It can be used as a treatment for certain types of gastroenteritis. Diarrhea is one of the most common gastroenteritis symptoms.
- Enemas can help to control diarrhea and promote healthy bowel function.
- Provides relief from abdominal discomfort. Enemas can be used to soothe pain caused by colic or a belly ache.
- It can lower the risk of infection. Enemas can be used to minimize the potential of infection in a child who is recovering from an illness.
When To Administer An Enema
Enemas are commonly used to treat constipation in children. Enemas can be an effective treatment if a child exhibits signs of constipation. Enemas can be administered to control symptoms if a child is suffering from diarrhea.
A condition where an enema could prove to be beneficial is when an infant is colicky.
Normally, as digested food progresses through the intestinal tract, water and nutrients are absorbed, and the waste material becomes stools. For a soft stool to form, enough water must remain in the waste material, and the lower intestinal and rectal muscles must contract and relax to move the stool along and out. A malfunction of either or both of these mechanisms — too little water or poor muscle movement — can cause constipation.
Plugged up with a hard stool for three days can be very uncomfortable, so your baby might become colicky.
Enemas are generally one-time tools to help ease constipation or clear out your colon for a test or procedure. They shouldn’t be performed regularly. If you’re frequently constipated, don’t rely on enemas to ease the situation.
How To Administer An Enema Safely
- Enemas are safe when administered correctly. It is important to follow the instructions with your enema kit properly.
- It is important to choose an enema solution that is appropriate for your child’s age. Some options include water, saline, or warm water with baking soda.
- Wash the nozzle. Ensure that the nozzle is cleaned before and after each use.
- Use a safe location. Choose a safe, quiet place to administer the enema. The bathroom or toilet is often the best location.
- Place the hose in an out-of-the-way location and keep a hand on it at all times.
- Monitor your child. Make sure to monitor your child and check for any signs of discomfort.
Things to Remember
- Each enema kit is slightly different and should come with clear instructions. Reading these instructions carefully can help make sure enema use is safe and effective.
- Make sure to plan enough time for the enema to work and time for your child to rest afterward if needed. Doctors generally recommend having access to a bathroom for 1 hour after using an enema.
- An enema can be uncomfortable, but it should not be painful. If there is pain, stop and seek medical advice. Using petroleum jelly can ease discomfort during insertion.
Potential Risks And Complications
Enemas are generally safe for children. However, it is important to remain vigilant and monitor your child for any signs of discomfort.
While enemas do not lead to infections, they can exacerbate an existing infection in a child who is particularly sensitive to this risk. If you notice any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pain, it is important to stop administering enemas.
When enemas are used incorrectly, they can lead to intestinal blockages. This is most commonly seen in children under the age of two. Blockages can result in serious complications if they are not treated quickly.
Another potential complication when administering an enema incorrectly is bowel injury. This can occur if the fluid is administered too quickly and stretches the bowel or rectum.
Enema Solutions
Water is the recommended solution for children under the age of two. Older children can use saline enemas.
Glycerin is used in some enema solutions to treat constipation in children.
Oatmeal enemas can be used to treat colic and diarrhea in infants.
Castile soap can be used to remove toxins and impurities from the body.
Follow these steps to make a soap suds enema:
1. Fill a clean jar or bowl with 8 cups of warm, distilled water.
2. Add 4 to 8 tablespoons of mild soap, such as castile soap. The more soap you add, the more irritating the solution will be. Your doctor can guide you on which strength will work best for you.
3. Test the temperature of the solution using a bath thermometer. It should be between 105 and 110°F. Cover the container and place it in a larger container holding hot water if you need to warm it up. This will slowly warm it up without introducing any bacteria. Never microwave the solution.
4. Place the warm solution in a clean enema bag with attached tubing.
Enema Tips For Parents
- Make sure to read the instructions on the enema solution carefully before administering the enema.
- Ensure that the right nozzle is being used to administer the enema.
- If a bag is used, make sure it is the appropriate size.
- Stay calm when administering an enema to your child.
- Make sure to stay with your child when administering the enema. This will help to reduce the risk of any accidents.
- Use the bathroom or be close to your bathroom.
Alternatives To Enemas
Dietary Changes
If your child is exhibiting signs of constipation, dietary changes such as increasing fiber can be effective. Dietary changes such as increasing fiber can be effective in treating constipation.
Proper Hydration
Drinking plenty of water is an effective way to treat constipation in children.
Herbal Teas
Herbal teas can be used to treat constipation.
Probiotics can be used to treat constipation by providing nutrients to the digestive system.
Colonic Therapy
Colonic therapy can be used to treat constipation as well as other health issues.
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises can be used to treat constipation. Here is a one-page article (PDF) from Children’s Wisconsin about building up pelvic floor muscles titled: Kegel Exercises
How To Make Enemas More Comfortable
- Make sure to choose an appropriate solution for your child’s age and health.
- If a bag is being used, try using a smaller bag for a child.
- Administer the enema over a toilet. Try administering the enema over a toilet to make the process more comfortable.
- Stay calm when administering an enema to your child.
An enema is a safe and effective method for flushing out the lower bowels and removing difficult stools from a child’s lower bowels.
Enemas are particularly beneficial for children who are too young for other types of fiber supplements.
If your child is suffering from constipation, enemas can help to promote bowel regularity. If your child suffers from abdominal discomfort, they may benefit from an enema.
Enemas are very safe when administered correctly.
It is important to follow the instructions provided with the enema kit.
We hope that you found this page on Why Use Enemas for Children informative and helpful. You may also be interested in our FAQ page on Enemas for Children.
You may also be interested in an enema created just for kids: DocuSol® Kids – Fast, predictable results typically in 2-15 minutes.