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Sourced from the Blog of Dr. Janelle Bard
Constipation in children is a common issue that various factors can cause. One of the main causes of constipation is not drinking enough water. Children should drink ½ their body weight in oz/day and more if exercising.
For example, if your child weighs 70 lbs, they should consume 35 ounces of water daily.
Other factors that can contribute to constipation include a stressful situation in the home, too many commitments, or possible bullying at school. There could also be a lack of fiber in the diet or actual GI complications.
It is necessary to investigate all possible contributing factors.
It is important to examine all circumstances surrounding the child and what areas could be improved upon. Of particular interest is your child’s diet. Remember, you are the adult and the one controlling what your child is ingesting. This can seem challenging, but small changes in their food may not even be noticed by your child and significantly improve the situation.
Resolving constipation as soon as possible is important, as 80% of the immune system is in the gut.
We found this article to be very informative. It was published on the blog of Dr. Janelle Bard and titled: Constipation In Children

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